Resources to download

Keeping Children Safe in Education
New guidance from 2 Sept 2019
Adobe Acrobat document [2.3 MB]
New - Teaching Online Safety in Schools
New guidance from DfE about how to teach the online safety aspects of the new RSE curriculum
Adobe Acrobat document [883.3 KB]
New - Stautory guidance on relationships education, relationships and sex education and health education
Includes a lot of content around online safety with some specific information about what pupils should know by the end of primary and secondary.
Adobe Acrobat document [577.7 KB]
Questions for the governing body to ask about online safety (UKCCIS)
A series of questions that the governing body can ask related to what the school is doing to address online safety. Excellent resource with examples of good and outstanding practice as well as when governors should be concerned.
Adobe Acrobat document [213.4 KB]
Sexting in schools and colleges (UKCCIS)
The latest guidance on sexting for schools and colleges from UKCCIS (August 2016)
Adobe Acrobat document [1.1 MB]
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